Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Things Parents of Child Stars Should Know

A partner at the firm of Franklin, Weinrib, Rudell & Vassallo, Steven C. Beer is a media and entertainment attorney who recently authored a book for parents of children who work in the music and entertainment industry. In 2015, Steven C. Beer spoke with a Reuters contributor and discussed the responsibilities of parents helping a child pursue stardom, revealing these useful pieces of advice:

1. Don’t force children to practice or learn their craft. Children who become stars typically share an “it factor.” Many kids have talent, but those who make it in show business are self-motivated, responsible beyond their years, and don’t need parents to pressure them to practice their skills.

2. Write a budget and stick to it. Supporting a child’s pursuit of stardom is an expensive endeavor, and parents should make sure they plan ahead to cover costs related to investments such as vocal coaches, acting teachers, and travel to and from auditions.

3. Don’t accept an offer without thorough consideration. Parents may feel enthusiastic about the job offers their children receive, but it’s a good idea to have a legal professional review contracts before accepting anything.

Read the entire article about parenting a child star at www.reuters.com/article/us-money-child-stars/the-guide-to-raising-child-stars-idUSKCN0S71V320151013.